Playing Pittsburgh was awesome. Like everything went how it
should. I played well and was told by a couple of people that I had a “fun set”.
Which is correct and all I aimed for. I’m not being an artist. I’m not trying
to blow anyone’s minds with dog jokes, just crack their smiles. So being told I
was fun, was the best way to validate me. Thanks.
I also met this awesome group from Canada, Toucan Slam. This
funky noise/math rock duo, and we chilled and chatted and got drunk and kicked
cans in the alleyway and ate pizza on the sidewalk. They offered to host me in
Canada anytime haha. And I offered them a gig in State College.
Which is relevant cuz I just got the ok to host a show in State College at a friend’s house which is super nice of them. But I’m scrambling to fill the bill with people who aren’t just me and one of the housemates. Which would be fine but better with more acts. I got a lot of maybe’s but no one wants to play a show that doesn’t have an audience and no one wants to go to a show that doesn’t have bands. It’s the old chicken and the egg scenario. But of course the egg came first, from something that was very close to a chicken but not quite a chicken that’s just basic genetics.
I got this really random gig in Philly tonight through like
8 strokes of pure luck. My ex who lives in Korea knew a guy who booked shows,
and that guy didn’t have anything for me but since we became Facebook friends I
saw he was attending an event that was just solo song writers. And then I
randomly asked the guy who was hosting the event, but the show was booked full.
But then I got a message the day before because someone had to drop and he
asked if I could play. And I was like of course!
Cuz now it’s a real tour. Three house shows in the major
cities in PA (Sorry Scranton and Erie), that’s a real solid grouping! That’s a
real shake your hand, meet the Yankees set!
But now I gotta book my own gig. I gotta fill it with bands
and then fill it with people and everyone’s gotta get in and get out and nobody
gets hurt. So now I’m sitting in my car parked in the street, trying to charge
my dead phone with my laptop, with two cups of my own urine for company, while
I wait until an appropriate time to enter the venue, hoping that I don’t offend
these people who I’ve never met and offered me this awesome opportunity and
hopefully they’ll think I’m cool.