Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Now I'm Not a Boat Chef!

I got off the boat on Friday and was told to return on Monday. I had some paperwork to fill out and drop off so I stopped by the Dive Office. I made some friends too and they came along. I really like the boat life, everyone is friendly and it’s like an automatic team. You need teams sometimes ya know?

I handed them a pile of paperwork and they handed me another pile back. Lots of paper.

I chilled out with the team and went to a bar and we (people who work for the dive company) get awesome deals on food and drinks in town. It’s such a sweet gig. The weekend was only smudged by some shitty Englishmen in the hostel.

I woke up early to return to work on Monday. I hopped on the boat to the boat (Gotta take boats to boats) without incident. Signed my name on the boat list. However, before we took off the skipper came down and said he just talked to the office on land and that I was not to come out today. Ugh, landlubbers.

So I disembark and get into the office to see whats up. Turns out, a random guy they had as a customer with no chef qualifications and no formal training isn’t an ideal cook for them! I’ve  been replaced and my services are no longer necessary. Which would be fine, but the whole thing was weird cuz the lady acted like this wasn’t an inconvenience for me. Like I hadn’t gotten the expectation that I was the chef now. I was! I was on the roster, I had filled out the paper work, I had all my friends on the boat. I was the chef!

So now I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m getting paid for the days I worked but I’m still a bit low on money to make it to Nov or Dec without getting another job.

So I’m renting a bike and buying a hammock and going to bike up to the rainforest and camp around there for a few days.

All of my friends are boats.

I’m traveling pretty light. Just an 18L backpack. And alone. And I’ve never really done this before. I just hope it doesn’t rain much (in the rainforest). I didn’t but a tarp. Just gonna hang from a hammock.
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