Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pitt Sassed Me, and I Sass Them Back

I wrote Pitt again, they didn't respond to me personally, only through a website. What a descriptive link.

I was pretty mad at Pitt's response and the hate coming from the comments section. I mean, everyone agrees tuition is too high. Like everyone. And I really don't see a future where I come out in the wrong here. This is my first foray into any real political action, and man it's scary. But I figure if I'm just honest and me, then nothing bad can really happen. Here's the letter I just sent them.

Dear Pitt,

Whoever put together this response from Pitt was not a great spokesman and wouldn't have been able to write "Two Princes" (they're not a great spin doctor). They stated that this isn't a serious complaint? I'm trying to drive traffic to my blog? C'mon.

Not serious? No this is a serious critique of the value you give as an educational institution.

Not to mention the petty attacks on my character. Insinuating I’m trying to dodge my loans, and that I can’t get job??? Hellooooooo? I clearly state I have a job, and my intention to pay back my loans. You attacking me is insulting and surprising, I had thought you’d have better decorum.

Maybe this is puzzling for you Mr. Spokesman, because you can’t read. There are places you can go to learn to read. They’re designed to improve individual’s lives, enrich them, and open them up to new experiences. They’re called schools, and the one you work for has failed in providing a cost effective education.

Maybe it's puzzling because you think Pitt is supposed to just pump out graduates, and have them get to work lining your pockets. I thought Pitt was supposed to be more than just a diploma mill.

Do you know the myths about free tuition? I’m not sure if these are true but kids joke about wanting to get hit by the Pitt shuttle’s because you can get free tuition. Same thing if one of your roommates on campus commits suicide. Again, rumors, but that’s how much your school costs in the eyes of its students, getting hit by a bus or a roommate’s death.  

College should open doors, not close them.

Colleges should also not insult their alumni. I’m a 22 year old (again, fully employed, honors his commitments, and fairly handsome), and you’re an infinitely more powerful, vague, organization. Try to be a little more human.

Sorry I sassed you back there. I felt threatened and just reacted.

How much do you think a student should pay to attend the University of Pittsburgh? Is the price you set the right amount? Does the burden of debt weigh on you at all? These are real questions I want you to answer.

Also I’d like a refund.

And if you think you’re doing the right thing, then could you please address the cockroaches in Bellefield, the inconsistent WiFi in the library (or anywhere really), the bundling of meal plans and on campus living, and try to make sure those that graduate in December have a graduation. Moving it to June doesn’t count.

Those are concrete things you can do to improve the lives of your students. If you’d like more help, my consulting fee is the price of tuition.

Thank you,

-Taylor Nodell