Friday, April 10, 2015

Bye Melby

I quit my job today. I always described it as good work but bad pay and bad environment. Here’s a picture, the CEO has the song “For The Love Of Money” by the O-Jays as his ringtone. I prefer the haired-up BulletBoys version. The song derides the sins of money. My CEO makes 150,000  a year and drives a Ferrari. He’s also stupid. Really really stupid. He has spelling mistakes everywhere, I don’t think he graduated high school and really the whole company is a little scammy. Not totally, but I know I wouldn’t use them.

They’re a Forex brokerage, and when I say that Aussies always go “you work for Four X?” Which is a big brewery, they make a Corona equivalent. And I say no, people trade currencies like stocks because the values change and you can make or lose money that way. It’s actually pretty cool because currencies usually change very little in value, so you have leverage, which magnifies the changes. You’ll only need to put down 1% of the amount you want to trade with, so with $1000 I can trade like I have $100,000. And then when the dollar gains in value by .0001 over a day you can make (or lose) $100.

But frankly, we’re just an OK brokerage at best and there are better options if you’d want to get into trading. In fact there are a lot of brokerages, it’s pretty saturated.

Anyway I quit.

Often the CEO and VP throw temper tantrums. Once the CEO ripped a cord out the ceiling and chunks went everywhere. What a little bitch. But that’s how they think to manage people. With extreme aggression. There’s often threats of killing people if they mess up. Not in like a joking way, like in a screaming in your face way. Lots of sexist and racist jokes, lots of suggestive sex and drug use. It’s like they watched Wolf of Wall Street once and they’re just imitating that. Poorly.

So generally just not a good environment to be in. But I was never the target of this, in fact I think everybody liked me. I kept my head down and did good work, nobody threatened to kill or rape me. But I knew I wasn’t going to stay there for too long.

So one night it was 6pm and I usually stay late cuz that’s what you do, and the VP gives me this huge assignment, which started with “hey just go over the CRM with the sales people, there’s a lot of new people and they don’t know what they’re doing”. Well I start talking to the sales team, and compliance, and the VP. And I found out, nobody knows how a lead turns into a client. Nobody knows how it all works. Literally every time they get a new client they’re just winging it.

So what would be a simple, “hey go over a few things” has now turned into “Define, illustrate and teach our entire business”. Which frankly makes the CEO and VP obsolete. Like if they don’t know how it’s happening then what are they doing all day????

And I’m still the only one! I’m the only person who’s figured out the way we generate revenue. But at this point I was pretty fed up. I wasn’t going to work all night for two mean idiots who can’t run a business.

So I went out and ate a burrito.

And I came back and sat in my chair. And thought. And after 30 minutes I decided I was quitting. And once my mind’s made up I have to follow through. There’s no choices after that.

I wish I quit with gusto. I wish I stormed into the VP’s office and told him off. I wish I screamed at him, about how you can be an idiot and run a business, and you can be an asshole and run a business, but you can’t be an idiot and an asshole, and run a business. You can’t treat the people who make your money like trash. I wish I had burned bridges.

You’re not supposed to, and I always say that no matter what it’s better to leave on good terms. But I really regret not telling them what I really think. I feel guilty, as if I did something wrong by not causing a scene.

Instead, I told him I quit and was moving to the Gold Coast. He was surprised and his first question was “How much did they offer you?” And now I was surprised. It wasn’t about the money. Obviously I could lie and maybe stay and get a raise. I deserved one. But I was committed, I was quitting. I made up a different lie, where I’m going to live with a friend and surf and smoke weed all day. He believed me. We bro hugged and said our goodbyes. And left on peaceful terms.

He was one step ahead of me though. Now I need a new job.

I answered an ad for “A Cofounder for Start Up”. I met with the team and they seem like nice people with a decent idea. They want to create an “innovations discovery platform”. I hate all those words, so I like to say they want to create an online marketplace for really new and unique products. Because Amazon isn’t really a good browsing experience, and it mainly focuses on keeping costs low.

Instead, Inpulze wants to make it easier for producers of cool new products to reach their audience of early adopters and people with a little extra money who want cool new toys. So they’re connecting these two groups and want to become the “go-to” for stuff like smart wearables, cups that change the temperature of the liquid inside them, and some sort of device that sorts the yolk from the egg.

It’s not a bad idea, but it’s not a particularly good or unique one either. I’m on board. Not as a cofounder, but I review and write materials for them since I’m the only native English speaker. I do this pro bono since they don’t have any money from investors and are in the very early stages, and really I don’t do too much for them yet. It’s more like planting the seeds, so if it does take off I can jump on board haha.

Americans are stereotyped as all having startups.

I also applied for a job as a virtual assistant. That’s a job where you outsource your normal admin work to someone remotely. Usually for cheaper or if someone’s sick for a while. It’s a pretty good job, well paid and all I have to do is be near internet and do email, and Office Suite work. And that seemed a little too good but still reasonable.

Some flags started going up when I started talking to the guy. First of all, it’s supposed to be a US based company in Chicago. And he arranged the interview for 2:30 am Chicago time. Weird right? And then I checked to make sure the address was real, it was. And when I spoke to him he had pretty bad English. Not that that’s a crime, but a little odd. The interview was a little too short and standard for me as well. So after I had my interview I was pretty suspicious. Now when I checked their website it had been flagged by Open DNS for being malicious. Boom, cooked.

I am genuinely curious about the scammy business so I sent some info about it to my good buddies and old work place Klink & Co. They do background checks and stuff like that. Still waiting for the final report on that, but luckily I didn’t send them any bank info or personal stuff.

Since Melbourne was getting cold, and I was getting old, I figured it was time to head up north. To Brisbane! Everywhere new is exciting. I had a little money from the Forex knobs and should head up north before I lose it all in Melbourne.

It was really hard to leave though! I had to say goodbye to all these friends I had made over the past 2 months. I didn’t think it would be bad, but I miss them all. We had a real happy family back there in the Nunnery. You’d come home from work and you’d check in with everybody and how their day went, on weekends we’d go on adventures. And I was the first to go. They’ll all leave eventually, so maybe I’ll see them again in Aus, there’s only one place to go from Melbourne. Up.